Contact Showaddywaddy
- Strictly booking, media and business enquiries ONLY: Email
- Web-Site contact (Paul via email) - please get in touch with photos and gig info, particularly from the 1970s to 1990s. Unfortunately I cannot help with gig enquiries, autograph requests etc.
- Facebook - Official Showaddywaddy Facebook Page
- Instagram - Official Showaddywaddy Instagram
- Instagram - Showaddywaddy Archive
Credits has been online since 1998, and is run by Paul, a fan of the band for nearly 40 years. This site could not have been put together without the help and support of Dave Bartram, Romeo Challenger, Rod Deas, Russ Field, Chris Dabbs, Steve Thorpe, Andrew Ball, Julie Green, Alan Keeling, David O'Rourke, Neal Baker, Sal Hook and Alex Vaccaro, not to mention countless others who have provided information, photos, gig dates and other information over the years, I am grateful to you all.
The website icon using the artwork from Crepes & Drapes is courtesy of John Langham: "I was commissioned by Showaddywaddy for the cover of an album. The final selected image was turned into an artwork for an embossed album cover and also into a cartoon for a TV advertisment. When sales hit 100,000 I received a gold disc for the cover concept." is hosted with Kualo