Dave Bartram Q&A - 6th December 2001
From Graham Goodall of London:
Will the any of your unreleased material ever see the light of day? It would be great to hear some new "old" SWW tracks.
DB: Graham - It is most unlikely that any unreleased material will be available in the near future. We feel that some of it is not really up to scratch, plus with the new album available soon it would not be the best time to release such an album!
Can you tell Trevor I am delighted that Scott has joined Orient, I just hope that he stays injury free, for his sake and ours! Trev may remember playing in a celebrity match at Orient in the 70's!
DB: Unfortunately Scott has just been released from his contract with Orient, due largely to a nasty long term injury.
From Ray Gooding, Mid Glamorgan, South Wales:
How come we never see you in South Wales these days? I'm sure you would have no trouble selling out your shows like you did in the days of the Savva club in Usk!
DB: There don't seem to be too many venues in South Wales at present, however I think the Hey Rock & Roll Show is set to play in Cardiff and Swansea next April.
From Adrienne Small, Dundee:
My dad always said (before he passed away) that one of the band was from Wigston Parva, is that true?
DB: Adrienne - Romeo used to live close to Wigston Parva, but moved some 18 years ago.
A few from Steve Thorpe, London:
Who had the idea for (and designed) the fantastic 'spiky' SWW logo that was used throughout most of the second half of the band's career?
DB: The spiky logo was designed by someone at our old record company Arista!
How do you and the rest of the band feel finally seeing the studio albums being re-released on CD for the first time - it's felt like a lifetime as a fan waiting for them! Are you proud of the (in my opinion) excellent quality of the various b-sides etc. that the band recorded and which are being included as bonus tracks?
DB: It's great to see the albums released on CD at long last, though I'm unsure as to whether all the studio albums will be made available! We are proud of most of the tracks, although there were a few 'dodgy' ones that slipped through the net!
Since 'Black Ice' and 'Excitement' were such good songs, is there any chance of the other 12 that Dave mentioned ever being made available? Also, who were the musicians that played on the single?
DB: None of the solo material will ever see the light of day I'm afraid, it is unlikely there would be sufficient interest to warrant such a release. Musicians used included some excellent players such as: Billy Bremner, Tony Beard, Danny Schogger. Nick Heyward played guitar on a couple of songs. [See footnote 1]
Can you recall which tours actually had a tour programme printed to accompany them?
DB: I wouldn't have a clue as to how many tour programmes there were!
Dave - you get sole writing credit on 'Out on the Town', '...Santa Claus', 'Runaway Girl', 'Tellin' Tales...' - apart from 'Sympathy' did Trevor write any of the other songs himself? And also did you actually write any others on your own?
DB: Apart from 'King of the Jive', 'Record Machine', 'Rocker Boots' & 'Feelin'' which were written by Goeff, all the other original material was written by myself & Trevor. [See footnote 2]
Caroline Bohling from Woking:
Please will you bring the Hey Rock 'n' Roll show to Woking in Surrey!?
DB: There will be 60 plus Hey Rock & Roll shows next year, I don't have all the dates confirmed as yet. There must be a chance we will visit Woking, Watch this space!
Peter Eames from Cardiff:
You don't seem to have performed 'Chain Gang' for a long time - is it possible you could include it in Hey Rock 'n' Roll, as it is a popular hit from the early years of rock 'n' roll.
DB: Peter - We won't be re-jigging the songs in Hey Rock & Roll just yet, however 'Chain Gang' would be a good choice when we eventually do!
Raf Vandenwijngaert from Belgium asks:
Have you ever have been on stage in Belgium? And is there is a chance you'll come to visit my country?
DB: Raf - I am currently talking with a Belgian promoter about shows for 2002, and now await confirmation for dates in Antwerp for February/March.
Markus Klenner from Germany asks:
Do SWW have plans to come Germany with your "Hey Rock'n' Roll"-show? That would be great. Although we are glad to see you in the Oldie-Nights here in Germany it would be a pleasure to see you alone in concert
DB: If the Hey Rock & Roll show is a success in the UK it would follow that it would tour Germany perhaps in 2003!
Sharon Parkes, Cullompton, Devon:
I have travelled many miles to see SWW - What I would like to know is when are you coming my way to Exeter?
DB: It's been a while since we were in Exeter, no plans at present, though I hope we do as it's a lovely town!
Clare From Tyne and Wear :
Will you be doing any concerts in Gateshead or South Shields area in the near future?
DB: Once again no plans for dates in the North East at present, though I'm pretty certain Hey Rock & Roll is pencilled in for Sunderland next spring.
Pat Butler from Hanworth, Middx:
After watching a Bee Gees documentary, they said that one of the band (Barry I think) pulled a toilet chain and it gave him the idea for 'Chain Reaction', and whilst driving over a bridge the sound their truck made gave them the idea for the backing of 'Jive Talking'. Has any everyday thing like that ever given you an idea for a song ? If so, which song (or songs)?
DB: I got an idea for 'Young Indian Brave' while I was watching a John Wayne movie. There's a story behind every song you write, I'll have a think on that one as to whether there were any unusual ones! [See footnote 3]
Hey Rock 'n' Roll - brilliant show - did the band think it would take off like it has, with some shows being sellouts?
DB: We hoped it would be a success as we have put a lot of hard work into it! It was going great guns until Sept 11, however business has definitely been affected by the events of that day. I'm sure the Spring dates will be really good and can't wait!
Not a question as such, saw you at Butlins recently for the first time at holiday camp, the atmosphere was amazing!
DB: Thanks for the compliment, the Butlins dates were a fantastic success this year
Alexandra McCahill from Bristol: :
I would like to know when Showaddywaddy will play at either The Bristol Hippodrome or The Colston Hall (Bristol). I'm 26 years old and would love to meet Dave Bartram as I've loved the group since I was small.
DB: No plans to play Bristol in the pipeline at present!
A few Q's from Pete Tustain:
Who are the Corsettes and how did they get to be selected for the new show?
DB: Corsettes are Nicky, Liz & Sherrod, they are a touring trio based in London all with Theatre & TV acting experience.
Who is Vince Pomagne and how did he get to be selected for the new show?
DB: Vince is Paul Gyngell who has worked in the theatre for years, he was in Grease prior to joining us in Hey Rock & Roll. They were selected after the pilot dates when we realised exactly what kind of thing was needed.
If a new album is released will it feature Tell Laura I Love Her? I think you perform that particular track brilliantly.
DB: Tell Laura I Love Her will definitely be on the new album!
Is the new show going to continue for some time, or is it a short term venture? I personally think it is excellent!
DB: Hey Rock & Roll is scheduled to continue throughout 2002, and then who knows?
Angela from Jersey, Channel Islands:
Hi my name is Angela and I live in Jersey, Channel Islands. I am a very big Showaddywaddy Fan and would like to know if and when Showaddywaddy will next be coming to Jersey?
DB: We would love to come to Jersey, and hopefully Hey Rock & Roll will bring us there some time in 2002.
Chris Dabbs from Lincoln: :
Why was "You Will Lose Your Love Tomorrow" was included on the Greatest Hits 76-78 LP when it was a '74 release?
DB: 'You Will Lose Your Love Tomorrow' was included on Greatest Hits 76-78 by public demand!
Lisa Clark from Banbury:
Thank you for such a brilliant show at the Oxford Apollo and thank you for your autographs. I know the travelling must be a pain, and I really do appreciate your stopping to give me your autograph when all you probably wanted to do was get home! Where on earth do you get your energy from?!
DB: Thanks for your kind comments. We have to stay pretty fit as Hey Rock & Roll is a very physical show!
Steve from Birmingham asks:
I was watching a TV programme recently and Dave & Romeo stated that Showaddywaddy are a LIVE band and originally set out to play live shows, so why no live albums? As I have seen the band a few times in Birmingham, I thought they sounded fantastic. Any chance of a LIVE album?
DB: There will eventually be a 'live' album, possibly in 2003! [See footnote 4]
One from myself:
Would you consider playing songs that you maybe haven't done live for many years, for example old album tracks that the fans know and love?
DB: We will be changing the set around early next which should include Sweet Music, Rock & Roll Lady & A Little Bit of Soap, however our main priority for 2002 will be Hey Rock & Roll.
John from Cyprus :
Do you think you will be over in Cyprus again in the near future? If so I'll have a round of drinks waiting for you on the bar in Chesters!
DB: John, I hope so, you really looked after us, how's your Karaoke singing? Mine's a pint of Keo! See you soon!