Exclusive Dave Bartram Interview
Showaddywaddy.net exclusive interview with Dave Bartram! This first in a series of interviews covers the very earliest beginnings of the band through to the end of 1974! Check it out here!
Song Wiki
Under The Moon Of Love and Just A Country Boy are the latest songs to feature in the Song Wiki!
Gig Dates
2023 saw Showaddywaddy perform no fewer than 103 gigs on their 50th Anniversary Tour, with visits to all four corners of the UK as well as Ireland and Denmark. There are numerous gigs remaining for 2024 and already a packed schedule for 2025! Go to the Gig Dates page to see all gig dates and book tickets!
Gig Archive
The Gig Archive section has been updated with a raft of newly discovered Showaddywaddy gig dates, going back to the the very beginnings and inception of the band in the summer of 1972. Also featured are numerous dates for Choise and Golden Hammers, the two bands that merged to form Showaddwaddy over 50 years ago! Furthermore the Gig Archive has now been updated up to 1980 with many new 'old' dates discovered and listed. Further updates to follow.
50th Anniversary Anthology
To celebrate Showaddywaddy's 50th Anniversary, a 5CD Anthology box set was released on 24th February 2023, featuring 106 tracks from across the band's career, including all 23 top-40 hits, a remix of 'Sweet Little Rock 'n' Roller' by Ladies on Mars, and a limited edition print signed by Dave Bartram. Go here for full details of this special collection!
Latest Updates
All website changes are listed in the Updates section. Site last updated 08/09/2024