09/07/2024 - 6 new/old gigs added to the 1978 Gig Archive
08/07/2024 - 13 new/old gigs added to the 1977 Gig Archive
07/07/2024 - 31 new/old gigs added to the 1975 Gig Archive, 11 added to 1976.
01/07/2024 - 31 new/old gigs added to the 1974 Gig Archive
29/06/2024 - Song Wiki updated, the latest song to feature being Under The Moon Of Love.
23/06/2024 - Major update to Gig Archive with Golden Hammers and Choise dates added from 1966 to 1973, plus a reft of newly discovered Showaddywaddy dates from 1972/1973. Dates pinned down for the inception of Showaddywaddy, and recruitment of Dave Bartram and Romeo Challenger into Choise.
20/06/2024 - Gig Dates updated;
27/05/2024 - Gig Dates updated; A Night At Daddy Gee's added to Song Wiki
06/05/2024 - Gig Dates updated; Bony Moronie added to Song Wiki
24/03/2024 - Gig Dates updated
13/03/2024 - Gig Dates updated; Hey Mr Christmas added to Song Wiki section
03/03/2024 - Gig Dates updated
23/02/2024 - Gig Dates updated
11/02/2024 - Gig Dates updated
13/01/2024 - 1994 gig archive updated (set list added for 13/11/1994)
12/01/2024 - Gig Dates updated
03/12/2023 - Gig Archive updated with new gigs for 1972, 1973, 1974, and 1977.
20/11/2023 - Gig Archive updated for 1980; various other minor updates and general tidy up (typos etc).
18/11/2023 - Gig Archive updated with new gigs for 1972, 1973, 1974 and 1975; news update - Demon issue remastered videos on YouTube.
12/11/2023 - Gig Dates updated
01/11/2023 - Gig Dates updated
30/10/2023 - Gig Dates updated
20/10/2023 - New gig added to 1979 Gig Archive; minor updates
08/10/2023 - The Party added to Song Wiki section; Gig Dates updated; other general updates
30/09/2023 - Gig Dates updated
19/09/2023 - Gig Dates updated
08/09/2023 - Gig Dates updated
04/09/2023 - Gig Dates updated; update to 1993 Gig Archive
05/08/2023 - Gig Archives updated with new/old dates from 1988/1989; plus other minor updates
22/07/2023 - Gig Dates updated; new 'old' gig dates added to 1974, 1975, 1976, 1978 and 1980 Gig Archive
14/07/2023 - Gig Dates updated; new 'old' dates added to Gig Archive for 1986, 1988, 1990, and 1991
27/06/2023 - Gig Dates updated; new 'old' date added to 1997 Gig Archive
03/06/2023 - Rock 'n' Roll Lady song wiki added; new 'old' gig dates added from 1986
20/05/2023 - Details announced of Dave Bartram's fictional debut, Killer Line
30/04/2023 - Gig Dates updated
09/04/2023 - Gig Dates updated
30/03/2023 - Gig Dates updated; new 'old' dates added to Gig Archive for 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981
11/03/2023 - Gig Dates updated; new 'old' dates added to 1995 and 1996 Gig Archive
16/02/2023 - Minor tidy up and improvements to home page; Gig Dates updated
13/02/2023 - Gig Dates updated with newly announced dates; newly revised Home Page
11/02/2023 - Improvements to Gig Dates page, plus new gigs added
09/12/2021 - 1975 Gig Archive updated with two newly discovered gigs
04/12/2021 - Gig Dates updated
03/12/2021 - Gig Dates updated
01/12/2021 - A new era beckons! New band members Billy Shannon and Sam Holland announced
28/11/2021 - Rob Hewins' departure announced
21/11/2021 - Minor update to Gig Dates
25/10/2021 - Minor update to Gig Dates
07/10/2021 - New 'old' gigs added to 1979 Gig Archive; general tidy up
05/10/2021 - Two out of three Scotland dates rearranged. Gig Dates updated.
21/09/2021 - Announcement added to homepage regarding this weekend's Scotland dates being cancelled due to a confirmed Covid case in the band.
18/09/2021 - 2021 Gig Dates updated; Danny Willson's occasional return to the band (see 2021 Gig Archive); Gig archive updates to 1979, 1981, 1983, 1989, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 and 1999
17/09/2021 - Minor update / Chris Savage's departure announced (see 2021 Gig Archive)